Our Resources

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IFLEXS is made out of every individual in the company. Our goal is to cooperate, synergize and work as a team. Therefore, every single person in the organization is important and key to the success of the company. We keep the lines of communication open at all times, all the way up to the highest management of the company.

Leaders at IFLEXS are expected to create an environment where everyone is valued and differences are viewed as contributing to the strength and future of the company. We aim to establish a workplace where all employees can feel to be part of the team, and every person can develop to his or her potential. Our diversity in initiatives provides richer business environment and increased competitive advantage.

IFLEXS is centered and focused on the customer. For us to succeed, we must first help our customers to succeed. Therefore, we provide outstanding services, achieve results for our customers and are committed to excel in everything we do. The highest standards of conduct and sound business judgment are the cornerstones of how we do business. We maintain the strictest rules of ethical behavior.

IFLEXS is committed in growing and maintaining its core competencies in IBM Informix, JAVA and other Enterprise technologies. The team members are mostly made up of experienced consultants with strong background in IBM Informix, JAVA programming, J2EE development frameworks and methodology.

Most of our consultants joined IFLEXS with experience, which they obtained through hands-on and direct involvement in the implementation of various software development projects with their previous company.

Internally, IFLEXS is committed to the continuous growth of the team in both aspects; technical and non-technical skills. We conducts annual performance appraisal with the team to develop individual career development plans that suits each member of the team. Among others, the development activities include internal and external training, on-job training, as well as intensive technical discussion session to provide a platform for growth for all the staff in the company.